Daily Schedule

Daily schedule will adapt as Curriculum and Student needs do.

3 Year olds are Tuesdays/Thursday 9:00 – 11:45

Pre-Kindergarten half days are Monday/Wednesday/Friday 9:00 – 11:45

Daily Schedule Includes:

Interest Centers: Various centers are set up in the room designed to entice and motivate children to learn through interaction with a variety of developmentally appropriate materials. Children can choose activities that interest them. These centers may include art, manipulative, home centers, building and construction, language, math, and music.

Group Time: Children sit together as a group and discuss topics relating to the theme of the month and experiences they have had, review the calendar, sing songs, and read stories. Language is especially emphasized during this time.

Project Time: Activities are usually geared toward art, although cooking, planting, woodworking, or creative dramatics may also be used and are coordinated to strengthen and reinforce a them or concept.

Outdoor Play: Children further large muscle development and social skills, while experiencing the outdoor’s environment.

Snack Time: Another key time to develop social skills while eating a nutritious snack.

Pre – K full day

Pre-Kindergarten full day is Monday through Wednesday, 9:00 – 2:00 and Thursdays 9:00 – 11:45

The extended day Pre-K program at ECDC provides a fully engaging and joyful child centered classroom that encourages children to develop to their fullest potential.

Within a warm, supportive community, a rich child-centered environment is based on a sound understanding of child development. Our day includes small and large group times, sharing, collaborating, working independently, exploring, playing and constructing, field trips, art, science, hands-on math activities, and a language arts program rich in phonics, reading strategies, and writing sills. Building a strong foundation in confidence, core skills, and creativity is a primary focus.

Children benefit from individualized teacher attention and an extended-day schedule that allows ample time to reinforce new skills, participate in individual and group projects, share ideas, and develop problem-solving skills and lasting friendships.

Connection school learning with home learning is essential. Daily communication between parents and teacher enhances this connection. The teacher provides monthly calendars and news notes, and invites family participation In various weekly and monthly activities.